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Why my result is 0×1 empty double column vector

12 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
arham zakki edelo
arham zakki edelo am 18 Mai 2019
Beantwortet: Walter Roberson am 18 Mai 2019
function[u_g] = viscosity(Pm) % viscosity() calculates viscosity of the gas at given reservoir % temperature and pressure.
Avg_Mol_Wt= [25.48;26;26.12;26.79;27;27.60;28;29;29.40;30];
Pm=[3800;3850;3400;3450;3500;3550;3600;3650;3700;3750]; %initial reservoir pressure
T=[660;680;720;740;760;780;800;820;840;860]; %Reservoir Temperature= 660 deg R (Literature)
u_uncorrected = ((1.709 * (10^(-5)-(2.062*10^(-6)*spgr))).*(T-460))+((8.118*10^(-3))-(6.15*10^(-3)*log10(spgr)));
yCO2 = 0.03;
yN2 = 0.02;
yH2S = 0.01;
u_CO2 = (yCO2*(((9.08*10^(-3))*(log10(spgr)))+ (6.24*10^(-3))));
u_N2 = (yN2*((8.48*10^(-3)*log10(spgr))+ (9.59*10^(-3))));
u_H2S = (yH2S*((8.49*10^(-3)*log10(spgr))+ (3.73*10^(-3))));
u1 = u_uncorrected + u_CO2 + u_N2 + u_H2S ;
Tpc = 168 + (325 * spgr) -(12.5*(spgr.^2));
Ppc = 677 + (15*spgr) -(37.5*(spgr.^2));
Tpr = T/Tpc;
Ppr = Pm/Ppc;
% Constants for viscosity relation
a0 = -2.4621182;
a1 = 2.970547414;
a2 = -0.286264054;
a3 = 0.008054205;
a4 = 2.80860949;
a5 = -3.49803305;
a6 = 0.36037302;
a7 = -0.01044324;
a8 = -0.793385648;
a9 = 1.39643306;
a10 = -0.149144925;
a11 = 0.004410155;
a12 = 0.083938718;
a13 = -0.186408848;
a14 =0.020336788;
a15 = -0.000609579;
syms ug;
con = a0+(a1.*Ppr)+(a2.*(Ppr.^2))+ (a3.*(Ppr.^3)) +(Tpr.*(a4+(a5.*Ppr)+(a6.*Ppr.^2)+(a7.*Ppr.^3)))+((Tpr.^2)*(a8+(a9.*Ppr)+(a10.*Ppr.^2)+(a11.*Ppr.^3)))+((Tpr.^3)*(a12+(a13.*Ppr)+(a14.*Ppr.^2)+(a15.*Ppr.^3)));
eqn = ((Tpr.*ug) == u1.*exp(con));
temp = solve(eqn,'ug');
u_g = double(temp);
>> viscosity
Warning: Do not specify equations and variables as
character vectors. Instead, create symbolic variables
with syms.
> In solve>getEqns (line 446)
In solve (line 226)
In viscosity (line 40)
ans =
0×1 empty double column vector

Antworten (2)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 18 Mai 2019
Bearbeitet: John D'Errico am 18 Mai 2019
eqn =
[ 0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616, (5645467684136263*ug)/4503599627370496 == 3053705270954071/288230376151711744, 0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616, 0 == 4586793404289899/8796093022208, 0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616]
[ 0 == 5600019709277477/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5600019709277477/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5600019709277477/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5600019709277477/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5600019709277477/18446744073709551616, (5816542462443423*ug)/4503599627370496 == 822835767405345/72057594037927936, 0 == 5600019709277477/18446744073709551616, 0 == 3047385662287835/4398046511104, 0 == 5600019709277477/18446744073709551616, 0 == 5600019709277477/18446744073709551616]
[ 0 == 2572630575198711/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2572630575198711/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2572630575198711/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2572630575198711/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2572630575198711/9223372036854775808, (3079346009528871*ug)/2251799813685248 == 7486683279545443/576460752303423488, 0 == 2572630575198711/9223372036854775808, 0 == 1741669557772335/2199023255552, 0 == 2572630575198711/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2572630575198711/9223372036854775808]
[ 0 == 2472319987732461/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2472319987732461/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2472319987732461/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2472319987732461/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2472319987732461/9223372036854775808, (6329766797364901*ug)/4503599627370496 == 4002404158088997/288230376151711744, 0 == 2472319987732461/9223372036854775808, 0 == 4733878050545925/4398046511104, 0 == 2472319987732461/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2472319987732461/9223372036854775808]
[ 0 == 2346687901508061/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2346687901508061/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2346687901508061/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2346687901508061/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2346687901508061/9223372036854775808, (6500841575672061*ug)/4503599627370496 == 8453485532814763/576460752303423488, 0 == 2346687901508061/9223372036854775808, 0 == 1593573526385771/1099511627776, 0 == 2346687901508061/9223372036854775808, 0 == 2346687901508061/9223372036854775808]
[ 0 == 8946768155106723/36893488147419103232, 0 == 8946768155106723/36893488147419103232, 0 == 8946768155106723/36893488147419103232, 0 == 8946768155106723/36893488147419103232, 0 == 8946768155106723/36893488147419103232, (1667979088494805*ug)/1125899906842624 == 8964393129251763/576460752303423488, 0 == 8946768155106723/36893488147419103232, 0 == 1080598422980285/549755813888, 0 == 8946768155106723/36893488147419103232, 0 == 8946768155106723/36893488147419103232]
[ 0 == 1069123269945641/4611686018427387904, 0 == 1069123269945641/4611686018427387904, 0 == 1069123269945641/4611686018427387904, 0 == 1069123269945641/4611686018427387904, 0 == 1069123269945641/4611686018427387904, (1710747783071595*ug)/1125899906842624 == 4767346375255051/288230376151711744, 0 == 1069123269945641/4611686018427387904, 0 == 2948226993291101/1099511627776, 0 == 1069123269945641/4611686018427387904, 0 == 1069123269945641/4611686018427387904]
[ 0 == 4100813596974095/18446744073709551616, 0 == 4100813596974095/18446744073709551616, 0 == 4100813596974095/18446744073709551616, 0 == 4100813596974095/18446744073709551616, 0 == 4100813596974095/18446744073709551616, (7014065910593539*ug)/4503599627370496 == 317887318073797/18014398509481984, 0 == 4100813596974095/18446744073709551616, 0 == 4045185938083311/1099511627776, 0 == 4100813596974095/18446744073709551616, 0 == 4100813596974095/18446744073709551616]
[ 0 == 7774278768879437/36893488147419103232, 0 == 7774278768879437/36893488147419103232, 0 == 7774278768879437/36893488147419103232, 0 == 7774278768879437/36893488147419103232, 0 == 7774278768879437/36893488147419103232, (7185140688900699*ug)/4503599627370496 == 670498029164941/36028797018963968, 0 == 7774278768879437/36893488147419103232, 0 == 2750305037577659/549755813888, 0 == 7774278768879437/36893488147419103232, 0 == 7774278768879437/36893488147419103232]
[ 0 == 1846563996020195/9223372036854775808, 0 == 1846563996020195/9223372036854775808, 0 == 1846563996020195/9223372036854775808, 0 == 1846563996020195/9223372036854775808, 0 == 1846563996020195/9223372036854775808, (3678107733603929*ug)/2251799813685248 == 354377367836401/18014398509481984, 0 == 1846563996020195/9223372036854775808, 0 == 7515208335023383/1099511627776, 0 == 1846563996020195/9223372036854775808, 0 == 1846563996020195/9223372036854775808]
So, most of that mess is of a form like this:
ans =
0 == 5780664229092589/18446744073709551616
Which value of ug will satisfy that EXACTLY? Yeah, right. It looks like there will never be a solution to what you are doing. Not that we are given a hint as to what you really need to do, which is probably not what you actually wrote code to do since that system of equations is meaningless.
So, why is your result an empty vector? Because there is no solution to what you posed.
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 18 Mai 2019
Perhaps they had intended to do a fitting.
John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 18 Mai 2019
They MIGHT have wanted to do so.

Melden Sie sich an, um zu kommentieren.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 18 Mai 2019
function[u_g] = viscosity(Pm) % viscosity() calculates viscosity of the gas at given reservoir % temperature and pressure.
Avg_Mol_Wt= [25.48;26;26.12;26.79;27;27.60;28;29;29.40;30];
Pm=[3800;3850;3400;3450;3500;3550;3600;3650;3700;3750]; %initial reservoir pressure
T=[660;680;720;740;760;780;800;820;840;860]; %Reservoir Temperature= 660 deg R (Literature)
u_uncorrected = ((1.709 * (10^(-5)-(2.062*10^(-6)*spgr))).*(T-460))+((8.118*10^(-3))-(6.15*10^(-3)*log10(spgr)));
yCO2 = 0.03;
yN2 = 0.02;
yH2S = 0.01;
u_CO2 = (yCO2*(((9.08*10^(-3))*(log10(spgr)))+ (6.24*10^(-3))));
u_N2 = (yN2*((8.48*10^(-3)*log10(spgr))+ (9.59*10^(-3))));
u_H2S = (yH2S*((8.49*10^(-3)*log10(spgr))+ (3.73*10^(-3))));
u1 = u_uncorrected + u_CO2 + u_N2 + u_H2S ;
Tpc = 168 + (325 * spgr) -(12.5*(spgr.^2));
Ppc = 677 + (15*spgr) -(37.5*(spgr.^2));
Tpr = T./Tpc; %CHANGED
Ppr = Pm./Ppc; %CHANGED
% Constants for viscosity relation
a0 = -2.4621182;
a1 = 2.970547414;
a2 = -0.286264054;
a3 = 0.008054205;
a4 = 2.80860949;
a5 = -3.49803305;
a6 = 0.36037302;
a7 = -0.01044324;
a8 = -0.793385648;
a9 = 1.39643306;
a10 = -0.149144925;
a11 = 0.004410155;
a12 = 0.083938718;
a13 = -0.186408848;
a14 =0.020336788;
a15 = -0.000609579;
syms ug;
con = a0+(a1.*Ppr)+(a2.*(Ppr.^2))+ (a3.*(Ppr.^3)) +(Tpr.*(a4+(a5.*Ppr)+(a6.*Ppr.^2)+(a7.*Ppr.^3)))+((Tpr.^2).*(a8+(a9.*Ppr)+(a10.*Ppr.^2)+(a11.*Ppr.^3)))+((Tpr.^3).*(a12+(a13.*Ppr)+(a14.*Ppr.^2)+(a15.*Ppr.^3))); %CHANGED IN TWO PLACES
eqn = ((Tpr.*ug) == u1.*exp(con));
temp = solve(eqn,'ug');
u_g = double(temp);
This will still not work, but it will get you to the much more compact
eqn =
(5702507353183325*ug)/4503599627370496 == 7212478526205445/144115188075855872
(2973544911973051*ug)/2251799813685248 == 433318337191181/9007199254740992
(6238234906800469*ug)/4503599627370496 == 1518433413966557/36028797018963968
(1613828264998639*ug)/1125899906842624 == 5989232554701665/144115188075855872
(6523595956302411*ug)/4503599627370496 == 3031307013761477/72057594037927936
(1667979088494805*ug)/1125899906842624 == 6063175485720917/144115188075855872
(1225*ug)/801 == 6021374973680469/144115188075855872
(7178082536150291*ug)/4503599627370496 == 2979923091249657/72057594037927936
(3658295761408275*ug)/2251799813685248 == 3003315655091799/72057594037927936
(49536*ug)/29683 == 754534745967413/18014398509481984
This can be analyzed in a least-squared sense to get a best-fit ug of about 0.028997375328324588909163169559149


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