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how to replace 'NaN' values with any other values in a cell array

12 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
in this cell, how can i replace nan value?
for i=1:8
if ~isempty(d11{i})
for ix= 1:length(d11{i})
for j=1:length(d11{i}{ix})
for w=1:length(d11{i}{ix}{j})
for k=1:length(d11{i}{ix}{j}{w})
% if isnan(d11{i}{ix}{j}{w}(k))
% d11{i}{ix}{j}{1}(k)=.000001;
% end
output: Error: ()-indexing must appear last in an index expression.
  2 Kommentare
Rik am 29 Apr. 2019
You are using parentheses twice. How deep is your cell array? 4 or 5 levels deep? And why isn't your commented code working?
Also, are you sure you want to assign a char array to your cell instead of a normal 0 (of type double)?
SOUVIK DATTA am 30 Apr. 2019
Bearbeitet: SOUVIK DATTA am 30 Apr. 2019
hello sir,
thank you for your attention. I want to replace by anything, either by a character (to write or symbolise something) or by any numerical value (for calculation). so, I tried both, none worked.
And, the array is 4 level deep. My program is skipping the commented code, means it neither shows any error nor change the 'NaN' values.
right now, I am continuing my work by changing the'NaN' value individually when it comes, before it gets stored in cell. But I want to cange it all at once. Any help would be appreciated. thank you.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 30 Apr. 2019
d11 = fixnan(d11);
function x = fixnan(x)
%will work no matter how many levels, including if cells are not consistent types
if isnumeric(x)
x(isnan(x)) = 0;
elseif iscell(x)
x = cellfun(@fixnan, x, 'uniform', 0);
%else other types do nothing, return unchanged

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