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undefined function or variable HelperScrollingPlotter

7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Silvia Ceccato
Silvia Ceccato am 17 Apr. 2019
Beantwortet: Septimiu Mischie am 26 Jan. 2020
I am trying to run the example provided on:
However I get the error: Undefined function or variable 'HelperScrollingPlotter' (also for HelperPoseViewer). I have the sensor fusion and tracking toolbox and I assumed everything should be in there. Am I missing something that I am not aware of?
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 17 Apr. 2019
When you openExample(), MATLAB will make a copy of all of the pieces needed for the example and will put them into a directory and will cd to the directory. HelperScrollingPlotter will either be near the end of the main file for the example, or else the original of it will be in a directory that is not normally on your path (in which case it will be copied into the example directory as described earlier.)
I do not know if that function existed in R2018b (the release that introduced the toolbox) as I do not have a copy of the toolbox myself.
Silvia Ceccato
Silvia Ceccato am 17 Apr. 2019
Thank you, sorry for the dumb question

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Antworten (1)

Septimiu Mischie
Septimiu Mischie am 26 Jan. 2020
In order to open the script, introduce openExample('shared_positioning/IMUandGPSFusionExample') in Command window of MATALAB. Thsi command is obtained if you click on View MATLAB Command in the web page you presented by the above link.

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