How to convert the equation to MATLab code

124 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
ayad filemban
ayad filemban am 10 Apr. 2019
Beantwortet: Essodokinam am 31 Jan. 2024
Help converting

Antworten (9)

Thomas Rosin
Thomas Rosin am 10 Apr. 2019
Bearbeitet: Thomas Rosin am 10 Apr. 2019

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 19 Jul. 2020
Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson am 19 Jul. 2020
  1. MATLAB has no implied multiplication. All multiplication must be explicit with either the .* (corresponding elements, which is usually the desired operation) or * (inner product) operators
  2. e to a power is coded as exp() the power
  3. division is the ./ operator with the / operator being more like multiplying by the pseudo-inverse
  4. powers other than e to something, should be the .^ (element at a time) or ^ (matrix power through generalized inner product) operators.
  5. square root is usually most clear and efficient using sqrt() but .^0.5 or nthroot() can be used, and sometimes sqrtm() or ^0.5 are appropriate
For the kinds of equations that are shown here, use .* and ./ and .^ instead of * and / and ^

akram mehenni
akram mehenni am 2 Feb. 2022
𝐸5 = 𝛼. 𝐸3 . √𝐸4
  1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 2 Feb. 2022
The equations that were posted have no E3, E4, or E5, so this does not appear to be an answer to the question that was put. How are people to understand this as a solution to the question ?

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Marwa Hameed
Marwa Hameed am 12 Aug. 2022
Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson am 15 Aug. 2022
How can I convert
this equation to MATLAB ?
  1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 15 Aug. 2022
Caution: you have variable names Q_min and Q_max but you are integrating with respect to log(Q) so Q_min and Q_max are limits on log(Q) not limits on Q.
Integrating with respect to a function instead of a variable is always tricky.
Pi = sym(pi);
syms a_0 E G_fi(Q) Q_max Q_min R sigma_Born T log_Q
eqn = sigma_Born == 4*Pi*a_0^2/(T/R) * int(G_fi(exp(log_Q))/(E/R), log_Q, Q_min, Q_max)
eqn = 

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Vishwajeet am 29 Nov. 2022
how can i convert Cu dTu/ dt = F αTu − γ (Tu − Td) to matlab code?
  1 Kommentar
Steven Lord
Steven Lord am 29 Nov. 2022
See the documentation for the ODE solvers. I'd start with ode45 and the pages listed under Topics at the end of that page.

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HA am 22 Jul. 2023
Please, your support is needed, thank you
  4 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 23 Jul. 2023
would be
kummerU(1/2, 5/4, tau_0.^4 ./ (32 .* log(2).^2 .* sigma_k2.^2))
This might require the Symbolic Mathematics Toolbox
HA am 23 Jul. 2023
Thank you

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Om prakash Meena
Om prakash Meena am 13 Sep. 2023

BUI am 5 Nov. 2023
Help me convert this fuction please
  1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 5 Nov. 2023
"A function can be recovered from its Fourier series, under suitable conditions. When this is possible, the Fourier series provides the inversion formula: "
and look at the formula there. Now let lambda = -1/P ...

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Essodokinam am 31 Jan. 2024
Hi everybody, I need you help for converting these function in matlab:

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