how access structure of array element using loop

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Sanjoy Dey
Sanjoy Dey am 24 Mär. 2019
Bearbeitet: Stephan am 24 Mär. 2019
Firstly i'm beginner in matlab,i don't have enough knowledge to write code in matlab.
Can i access Structure of array element using for loop?when i run this code,going to infinite loop i can't understand what's the problem.Please correction my code.
% Structure of Array of user set
user(1).will = 0.5;
user(1).rep = 1;
user(1).bid = 5;
user(2).will = 0.9;
user(2).rep = 0.6;
user(2).bid = 6;
% Structure of Arrayof task set
task(1).bud = 8;
task(1).qua = 1;
task(2).bud = 9;
task(2).qua = 2;
task(3).bud = 7;
task(3).qua = 1;
for i=1:2
for j=1:3
com_data_quality = (user(i).will*user(i).rep/user(i).bid*user(i).inter_time);
fprintf('%f value is\n', com_data_quality);
  1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 24 Mär. 2019
You have a while loop, but inside the while loop you do not change any of the variables involved in the while test. You do not change i, you do not change j, you do not change user(i).bid, you do not change task(j).bud . There while loop as no reason to terminate.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Stephan am 24 Mär. 2019
Bearbeitet: Stephan am 24 Mär. 2019
your loop start with i=1 & j=1. Compare the conditions of your while loop with this initial case. you dont change bid or bud insinde the while loop. So this is why it runs forever.
Note that i&j are not recommended as loop counters, since they are used for complex numbers in Matlab.
You could try to write this code without for loop, but for starting maybe it is better to debug what you have written so far and get it to run. Vectorizing code could be an improvement you try later.
Best regards

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