A Matlab structure cannot be stored in a HDF5 file as one dataset (except for simple ones with a few fields, the values of which are basic data types - see hdf5 compound datatype).
HDF5 have compound datatypes as described in the User Guide: "2.2.7. Creating and Defining Compound Datatypes". However, I'm not sure it is worth the trouble. (Yes, requires Matlab's low level HDF5 functions)
Matlab has high level and a low level support of HDF5. I would recommend that you use the high level functions or at least try them first. I have experimented (both high and low level) with time series (length 64000). My test h5-file is 1.2GB.
You need some "user stories/use cases" from both reading and writing to make your decisions.
The quick way to produce a HDF5-file is
save( 'h5test.mat', 'Data', '-v7.3' )
then you can explore TMW's way to store a structure
h5disp( 'h5test.mat' ), info = h5info( 'h5test.mat' );
that might be all you need. The function, matfile, provides an interface to this file, which is more flexible than save/load. It provides limited means to read and write piece-wise.
--- Continue ---
My tentative recipe:
- regard the structure, Data, as a tree
- the interior nodes, fields, translates to groups in the h5-file
- the leafs, string and numerical array data, translates to datasets
- write each leaf with a separate h5write-command (high level). It's ok performance-wise, if the data arrays of the leafs are reasonably large. Thousands of scalar leafs will be a problem - I guess.
- if you have "write-once and read-many" use fixed size datasets, i.e. contiguous not chunked. Contiguous datasets seems to require less of Windows file cache and show better performance when RAM is limited.
--- In response to comment 1 ---
Your structure, "struct contains structs within structs within structs within structs", cannot be store in a Compound Datatype of HDF5. I shouldn't have mentioned it. It might be useful for simple structures with a few fields, the values of which are basic data types (of C). (I don't know whether "Compound Datatypes" can be nested, but too me that really "smells".)
The low level HDF5-functions of Matlab are little documented and not really "matlabish". One the other hand the high level HDF5-functions (R2012a) are simple to use and surprisingly (read surprised me) powerful (both expressiveness and performance).
I see two possibilities:
- save( 'h5test.mat', 'Data', '-v7.3' )
- my tentative recipe for structures (see above). A similar approach is needed for cell arrays.
Underneath the hood, save applies something similar to "my tentative recipe".
I would definitely try save first. I guess it is worth to check whether