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How can i update the color of my initial band of my resistor?
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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i already tried a bit but at some point i cant come further. I already got my initial bands and the value
for them but the next step would be to update the color of my bands so that when i chose the color value in the popupmenu
the right image pops up. I already did the initial bands with color images that had in my file
This is how the bands look now but i need to update the color of my bands
which i dont know how to do. I tried it with this code but it didnt work.
Can somebody please help me i really want it to work.
Thank you very much for every help
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Antworten (1)
am 11 Dez. 2018
Its hard to tell how you implemented it based on only those screenshots. But the idea is relatively simpel:
You add a callback to your dropdowns, in that callback you grab the color that is linked to the dropdown value. Then you update the axes/image with that color
Below is a small example that illustrates the idea of how this could work, out of lazyness i just used a nested function to share the handles variable. It might be that its a property of a class or the variable that gets passed around in GUIDE in your situation.
function exampleCode
% create a struct that will be used directly inside the nested function - to make example work out of the box without boilerplate
handles = struct;
% initialize example gui
handles.fig = figure;
handles.axes.left = axes(handles.fig, 'units','norm','Position',[0.1 0.5 0.3 0.4]);
handles.axes.right = axes(handles.fig, 'units','norm','Position',[0.6 0.5 0.3 0.4]);
handles.dropdown.left = uicontrol(handles.fig, 'Style','popupmenu','String',{'blue','green', 'red'},'units','norm','Position',[0.1 0.3 0.3 0.18], 'Callback',@updateColor, 'Tag','left');
handles.dropdown.right = uicontrol(handles.fig, 'Style','popupmenu','String',{'blue','green', 'red'},'units','norm','Position',[0.6 0.3 0.3 0.18], 'Callback',@updateColor, 'Tag','right');
handles.colorSize = [500 500 3];
% set initial colors 2x blue
initialColor = grabColor('blue', handles.colorSize);
imshow(initialColor, 'Parent', handles.axes.left);
imshow(initialColor, 'Parent', handles.axes.right);
function updateColor(src, ~)
color = grabColor(src.String{src.Value}, handles.colorSize);
switch src.Tag
case 'left'
parentAx = handles.axes.left;
case 'right'
parentAx = handles.axes.right;
parentAx.Children.CData = color;
% you could imshow every time, which is quite a bit slower but still fast enough for what you try to achieve here
% it would look like this:
% imshow(color, 'Parent', parentAx);
function color = grabColor(colorId, colorSize)
% depending on the amount of colors you could just work with imread here
% but make sure you do a check for the size and resize accordingly
switch colorId
case 'green'
% could be color = imread('pathtogreen.jpg')
green(:,:,3) = zeros(500,500);
green(:,:,1) = zeros(500,500);
green(:,:,2) = 255*ones(500,500);
color = uint8(green);
case 'blue'
blue(:,:,3) = 255*ones(500,500);
blue(:,:,1) = zeros(500,500);
blue(:,:,2) = zeros(500,500);
color = uint8(blue);
case 'red'
red(:,:,3) = zeros(500,500);
red(:,:,1) = 255*ones(500,500);
red(:,:,2) = zeros(500,500);
color = uint8(red);
if ~all(size(color)==colorSize)
if size(color,3) < 3
% should be rgb but incase you load in a gray image with only one channel
repmat(color(:,:,1), 1, 1, 3);
color = imresize(color, [colorSize(1), colorSize(2)]);
Hopefully this example can set you on your way to solve your problem.
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