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CT Dicom to mat HU display problem

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Dan Smith
Dan Smith am 27 Nov. 2018
Kommentiert: Rik am 27 Nov. 2018
I ran CERR on CT dicom files to create one mat file that has a variable planC containing the image data. I then took planC (a 1x25 cell) with code imagesc(CTimgmat(:,:,200)) to display the image and compared the x,y,index position/value to that which is displayed for the dicom images in OSIRIX or any other viewer that displays the pixels in HU units. The two didn't match up by about a thousand but it differs pixel to pixel. My goal is to run imagesc(CTimgmat(:,:,"slice#")) and have index # display as HU. Can anyone help?
  2 Kommentare
Rik am 27 Nov. 2018
Did your conversion take the slope and intercept in the dicom info into account?
Rik am 27 Nov. 2018
Comment posted as answer:
I've tried multiple solutions listed below, but nothing ever matches up to the HU listed in Osirix
The people on github seem experienced with both CERR and Matlab, so I suspect the best course of action is to continue on that thread. I don't know why it would match up with OsiriX if you are using the dicom fields to convert to HU.

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