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Why the neural network creates the same output values for the different inputs?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I created a neural network model as you can see the model code. Firstly I normalized the data between 0 and 1, then I divided the input and target data for test and validation. I see that the all validation output values (y) is the same. I checked the normalized validation input data, it doesn't contain an error.
(Xtn: Normalized input test values, Xvn: Normalized input validation values, Ytn: Normalized target test values, Y:Normalized validation output values, Ye: Denormalized validation output values)
Can you help me?
Data=xlsread('Data31.10.xlsx'); Input=Data(:,4:12); Target=Data(:,end);
A=minmax(I); Min=A(:,1); Max=A(:,2); Fark=Max-Min; In=(I-Min)./Fark;
Tmin=min(T); Tmax=max(T);
Xvn=In(:, ntd+1:end);
net=newff(Xtn, Ytn, [n1,n2], {'logsig', 'logsig', 'logsig'}, 'trainlm');
  3 Kommentare
Greg Heath
Greg Heath am 5 Nov. 2018
Reply by Perihan Bilgeç
size(I) = [9 1756 ]
size(T) = [1 1756 ]
Perihan Bilgeç
Perihan Bilgeç am 6 Nov. 2018
I couldn't get an answer. Can somebody help me what the problem is about it. Thanks a lot.

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Antworten (1)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath am 7 Nov. 2018
Where is your training data?
Typically, the data division is
train/val/test = 70%/15%/15%
Hope this helps,
  1 Kommentar
Perihan Bilgeç
Perihan Bilgeç am 7 Nov. 2018
I defined a trainingrate and I divided the data with using this rate. Xtn is the testing data, Xvn is the validation data.

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