Struggling with sending data via TCP/IP socket connection

9 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
DEYIRE UMAR am 17 Sep. 2018
Bearbeitet: DEYIRE UMAR am 17 Sep. 2018
I want to write script code which sends strings to a robot (Universal robot simulator, URSim) via TCP/IP, the string is a translation of the URscript for the robot into acceptable form in MATLAB. I only succeeded in making turning on/off the "digital_out". All the move commands aren't working when I run the program, the robot remained at its initial position. But when I remove the command to set digital_out, the next move command works. It means it only implement the first command. Any help on the right syntax in Matlab? I am working with examples from python and javascript
Here is my code:
host = '';
port = 30003;
s = tcpip(host, port,'NetworkRole', 'client');
s.InputBufferSize = 221600;
fprintf (s, strcat('set_standard_digital_out(0,False)', '\n')),
strcat('movej([-0.3596764999985558, -1.174431851788599, 1.88734483936274, -2.277712271407693, -1.5605291909381744, -0.4576386031765587], a=1.3962634015954636, v=1.0471975511965976)', '\n');
strcat('while (true)', '\n'),
strcat('movel([-0.3600129734254667, -1.0838046643374781, 1.923101135878433, -2.4040936317428048, -1.5618407243079862, -0.45651480620647433], a=1.2, v=0.25)', '\n'),
strcat('set_standard_digital_out(0,True)', '\n'),
strcat('pause(1)', '\n'),
strcat('movel([-0.3596764999985558, -1.174431851788599, 1.88734483936274, -2.277712271407693, -1.5605291909381744, -0.4576386031765587], a=1.2, v=0.25)', '\n'),
strcat('movej([-0.10482278180937676, -1.1835615192007545, 1.9014732903964209, -2.2826424641984957, -1.5592584674169627, -0.20275108288563892], a=1.3962634015954636, v=1.0471975511965976)', '\n'),
strcat('movel([-0.10516193553895548, -1.0924099301580732, 1.9372874633103936, -2.409607446651929, -1.5605816595381992, -0.20162872498015805], a=1.2, v=0.25', '\n'),
strcat('set_standard_digital_out(0,False)', '\n'),
strcat('pause(1)', '\n'),
strcat('movel([-0.10482278180937676, -1.1835615192007545, 1.9014732903964209, -2.2826424641984957, -1.5592584674169627, -0.20275108288563892], a=1.2, v=0.25)', '\n'),
strcat('pause(1)', '\n'),
strcat('movel([-0.10516193553895548, -1.0924099301580732, 1.9372874633103936, -2.409607446651929, -1.5605816595381992, -0.20162872498015805], a=1.2, v=0.25)', '\n'),
strcat('set_standard_digital_out(0,True)', '\n'),
strcat('pause(1)', '\n'),
strcat('movel([-0.10482278180937676, -1.1835615192007545, 1.9014732903964209, -2.2826424641984957, -1.5592584674169627, -0.20275108288563892], a=1.2, v=0.25)', '\n'),
strcat('movej([-0.3596764999985558, -1.174431851788599, 1.88734483936274, -2.277712271407693, -1.5605291909381744, -0.4576386031765587], a=1.3962634015954636, v=1.0471975511965976)', '\n'),
strcat('movel([-0.3600129734254667, -1.0838046643374781, 1.923101135878433, -2.4040936317428048, -1.5618407243079862, -0.45651480620647433], a=1.2, v=0.25)', '\n'),
strcat('set_standard_digital_out(0,False)', '\n'),
strcat('pause(1)', '\n'),
strcat('movel([-0.3596764999985558, -1.174431851788599, 1.88734483936274, -2.277712271407693, -1.5605291909381744, -0.4576386031765587], a=1.2, v=0.25)', '\n'),
strcat('pause(1)', '\n'),
strcat('end' , '\n');
settings = fscanf(s);
clear s;
The output of settings is some random unreadable data, though I think the format is as expected.

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