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Did matlab really fail to solve this system of 4 DAEs or did I make a mistake somewhere?
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Hi everyone, I'm trying to analytically solve a system of 4 DAEs, however all outputs are blank. Please see the code below:
function WaterLiquidFilmProfilesAnalytical
syms a b c e f t A B C E F G H K
dEq1 = 'A * D2a + B * D2b + C * D2c = 0';
dEq2 = 'E * D2e - B * D2b - 2 * C * D2c - F * D2f = 0';
Eq1 = ('G * a = e * b');
Eq2 = str2sym(Eq1);
[dEq3, initEq3] = TurnEqIntoDEq(Eq2, [G a e b], t, 0);
dEq3_char = SymArray2CharCell(dEq3);
initEq3_char = SymArray2CharCell(initEq3);
Eq4 = ('H * b = e * c');
Eq5 = str2sym(Eq4);
[dEq4, initEq4] = TurnEqIntoDEq(Eq5, [H b e c], t, 0);
dEq4_char = SymArray2CharCell(dEq4);
initEq4_char = SymArray2CharCell(initEq4);
Eq6 = ('K = e * f');
Eq7 = str2sym(Eq6);
[dEq5, initEq5] = TurnEqIntoDEq(Eq7, [K e f], t, 0);
dEq5_char = SymArray2CharCell(dEq5);
initEq5_char = SymArray2CharCell(initEq5);
%[sol_dEq1, sol_dEq2, sol_dEq3, sol_dEq4, sol_dEq5] = dsolve(dEq1, dEq2, dEq3_char{:},'a(0)=0','e(0)=0','b(0)=0', initEq3_char{:}, 't', dEq4_char{:},'b(0)=0','e(0)=0','c(0)=0', initEq4_char{:}, 't', dEq5_char{:},'d(0)=0','f(0)=0', initEq5_char{:}, 't')
%[sol_dEq1, sol_dEq2, sol_dEq3, sol_dEq4, sol_dEq5] = dsolve(dEq1, dEq2, dEq3_char{:}, dEq4_char{:}, dEq5_char{:},'a(0)=0','b(0)=0','c(0)=0','e(0)=0','f(0)=0',initEq3_char{:},initEq4_char{:}, initEq5_char{:},'t')
[a, b, c, d, e] = dsolve(dEq1, dEq2, dEq3_char{:}, dEq4_char{:}, dEq5_char{:},'a(0)=0','b(0)=0','c(0)=0','e(0)=0','f(0)=0',initEq3_char{:},initEq4_char{:}, initEq5_char{:},'t')
function [D_Eq, initEq] = TurnEqIntoDEq(eq, depVars, indepVar, initialVal)
% eq = equations
% depVars = dependent variables
% indepVar = independent variable
% initialVal = initial value of indepVar
depVarsLong = sym(zeros(size(depVars)));
for k = 1:numel(depVars)
% Making the variables functions
% eg. a becomes a(t)
% This is so that diff(a, t) does not become 0
depVarsLong(k) = str2sym([char(depVars(k)) '(' char(indepVar) ')']);
% Next making the equation in terms of these functions
eqLong = subs(eq, depVars, depVarsLong);
% Now find the ODE corresponding to the equation
D_EqLong = diff(eqLong, indepVar);
% Now replace all the long terms like 'diff(a(t), t)'
% with short terms like 'Da'
D_depVarsShort = sym(zeros(size(depVars)));
for k = 1:numel(depVars)
D_depVarsShort(k) = str2sym(['D' char(depVars(k))]);
% Next make the long names like 'diff(a(t), t)'
D_depVarsLong = diff(depVarsLong, indepVar);
% Finally replace
D_Eq = subs(D_EqLong, D_depVarsLong, D_depVarsShort);
% Finally determine the equation
% governing the initial values
initEq = subs(eqLong, indepVar, initialVal);
function cc = SymArray2CharCell(sa)
cc = cell(size(sa));
for k = 1:numel(sa)
cc{k} = char(sa(k));
Did matlab really fail or did I make a mistake?
I also tried to solve these DAEs numerically,using:
syms a(x) b(x) c(x) d(x) e(x) A B C D E FF G H
eqn1 = A * diff(a(x),x,2) + B * diff(b(x),x,2) + C * diff(c(x),x,2) == 0;
eqn2 = D * diff(d(x),x,2) - B * diff(b(x),x,2) - 2 * C * diff(c(x),x,2) - E * diff(e(x),x,2) == 0;
eqn3 = FF == (d(x) * b(x)) / a(x);
eqn4 = G == (d(x) * c(x)) / b(x);
eqn5 = H == d(x) * e(x);
eqns = [eqn1 eqn2 eqn3 eqn4 eqn5];
vars = [a(x); b(x); c(x); d(x); e(x)];
origVars = length(vars);
M = incidenceMatrix(eqns, vars);
[eqns, vars] = reduceDifferentialOrder(eqns, vars);
f = daeFunction(eqns,vars, A, B, C, D, E, FF, G, H);
A = 2.89e-9;
B = 2.35e-9;
C = 1.69e-9;
D = 1.6e-8;
E = 9.25e-9;
FF = 6.24;
G = 5.68e-5;
H = 5.3e-8;
F = @(t, Y, YP) f(t, Y, YP, A, B, C, D, E, FF, G, H);
y0est = [1.2650e4; 2.2748e4; 0.3724; 3.47; 1.5274e-8];
yp0est = zeros(5,1);
opt = odeset('RelTol', 10^(-3), 'AbsTol' , 10^(-3));
[y0, yp0] = decic(F, 0, y0est, [], yp0est, [], opt);
[tSol,ySol] = ode15i(F, [0, 7.21e-05], y0, yp0, opt);
for k = 1:origVars
S{k} = char(vars(k));
plot(xSol,ySol(:,1),'r:',xSol,ySol(:,2),'k-.',xSol,ySol(:,3),'b--', xSol,ySol(:,4),'c-',xSol,ySol(:,5),'m-')
ylabel('Conc (mol/m^{3}')
xlabel ('Time (sec)')
legend('SO_2','HSO_{3}^{-}', 'SO_{3}^{2-}', 'H^+','OH^-','location','Best')
However, I get the error message:
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 5).
Error in
Error in WaterProfiles>@(t,Y,YP)f(t,Y,YP,A,B,C,D,E,FF,G,H)
Error in decic (line 66)
res = feval(odefun,t0,y0,yp0,varargin{:});
Error in WaterProfiles (line 45)
[y0, yp0] = decic(F, 0, y0est, [], yp0est, [], opt);
Debugging points me to line 45:
[y0, yp0] = decic(F, 0, y0est, [], yp0est, [], opt);
And in my understanding, the index of y0est does not exceed 5:
y0est = [1.2650e4; 2.2748e4; 0.3724; 3.47; 1.5274e-8];
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