Error in function MakeTexture (Matlab and Psychtoolbox)

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Real Name
Real Name am 24 Aug. 2018
Kommentiert: Yuxian Zhang am 15 Sep. 2021
Here is the error I am getting:
Error in function MakeTexture: Invalid Window (or Texture) Index provided: It doesn't correspond to an open window or texture.
Did you close it accidentally via Screen('Close') or Screen('CloseAll') ?
Error using Screen
textureIndex=Screen('MakeTexture', WindowIndex, imageMatrix [, optimizeForDrawAngle=0] [,
specialFlags=0] [, floatprecision=0] [, textureOrientation=0] [, textureShader=0]);
Error in SLM/updateSLMDisplay (line 104)
texture = Screen(slm.window, 'MakeTexture', grayVals);
The code has been working without any problems on Matlab 2014a on a different computer. I am trying to run the same code on a new computer (with matlab 2016a). After installing psychtoolbox, I got the code to run correctly, but due to some weird hardware issues, in my debugging process I thought I'd try to reinstall psychtoolbox by using SetupPsychtoolbox. After running this, I am getting the above error. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you
  3 Kommentare
Daniel Revach
Daniel Revach am 18 Jul. 2021
Same problem here, any progress?
Yuxian Zhang
Yuxian Zhang am 15 Sep. 2021
You need to use this command to open window first:
[win,winrect] = Screen('OpenWindow',1,[255 255 255])

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