help with this code. I keep getting error message

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Folakemi Omotoye
Folakemi Omotoye am 31 Jul. 2018
Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson am 1 Aug. 2018
when i execute the code below, i get the error message - Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
t=0; % initialisation
for t=1:1:n %time intervals
s(t)=sum(v(t-1)); %cumulative sum of the values before current value
s(t)=sum(v(t))+s(t-1); %cumulative sum of values up to current value
g(t)=v(t) - min(v); %current value minus minimum value in the matrix from first iteration to current iteration
if s(t) > 4
disp(t) %notify the time of change
disp(v(t)) % if cumulative sum is greater than 4, display when change occurs
note: v is a 1x30 vector.

Antworten (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz am 31 Jul. 2018
Bearbeitet: Adam Danz am 31 Jul. 2018
If you format your code using the {} button, people can help you more easily.
The first problem I see is the line below. On the first iteration, t = 1 so v(t-1) is v(0). As the error message indicates, indices must be positive integers or logicals. Here, 0 is neither and you're requesting the 0_th value of t which causes the error.
Also, there's no sense in initializing t=0 prior to your for-loop where you redefine t as 1:1:n.
  15 Kommentare
Adam Danz
Adam Danz am 1 Aug. 2018
Folakemi, when you include code in these comments, use this button to format the code.
I can't help you without knowing exactly what error message you're getting. Please cut and paste the entire error message into the comments.
Folakemi Omotoye
Folakemi Omotoye am 1 Aug. 2018
it worked. Thank you so much and everyone's contributions.i really appreciate.

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