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Is it possible to change elevation angles in the Vertical Coverage Diagram?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
I have discovered that pattern angles (in the following example from MATLAB) work from -60 degreess to 90 deg, -90 to 60 and obviously -90 to 90. But, the moment you change the angles to -90 to 59 deg, function antresp = antfactor(anpat,patangles,theta) in the radarvcd.m file gets NaNs in the last eleven columns of the 1x674 double. Consequently the remaining functions fail. How come NaNs are being returned and how can I get around this to produce a graph restricted from 0 to 45 deg or -20 to 15 deg?
if true
pat_angles = linspace(-90,90,361)';
pat_u = 1.39157/sind(45/2)*sind(pat_angles);
pat = sinc(pat_u/pi);
freq = 100e6;
ant_height = 10;
rng_fs = 200;
tilt_ang = 0;
[vcp,vcpangles] = radarvcd(freq,rng_fs,ant_height,...

Akzeptierte Antwort

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen am 24 Jul. 2018
The reason for nan is that when the function computes the vertical response, it needs to access the pattern value out of the specified range. When the value is not available, NaN is returned. Thanks for reporting this.
It would still be a good idea to specify the entire pattern so the computation would have the necessary information. Currently there is no option to return only portion of the region so the best thing to do right now is to extract the needed region. Here is an example
min_ang = 0;
max_ang = 45;
plotidx = (vcpangles>=min_ang) & (vcpangles<=max_ang);
blakechart(vcp(plotidx), vcpangles(plotidx), 200, 600e3, 'RangeUnit','nmi',...

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