Change string of static text boxes whose tag contains "Output"
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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Hi all,
I am writing some analysis software in 2015a with GUIDE.
I am looking to push a button that will reset the GUI to how it opened, emptying (by setting string) ALL edit boxes (easy) and all static text fields that are used as an output. I do not want to empty static text boxes whose tag contains "Text" as these are GUI labels next to edit boxes.
Currently I have the code below, but I don't know how to adapt it for the above...
% Empty All Static Text Boxes Whose Tag Contains "Output"
set(findall(handles.figure1,'Tag','Output'),'string',''); % findall finds invisible objects as well (findobj does not)
My previous attempt was:
% Get All Static Text Tags
AllStaticTextTags = findall(handles.figure1,'style','text')
% Find All Static Text Tags Containing "Output"
StaticTextTagsContainingOutputIdx = contains(AllStaticTextTags,'Output'); % returns 1 if contains it 0 if not
StaticTextTagsContainingOutput = AllStaticTextTags(StaticTextTagsContainingOutputIdx);
% Empty All Static Text Boxes Whose Tag Contains "Output"
But understandably that doesn't work due to:
Undefined function 'contains' for input arguments of type 'matlab.ui.control.UIControl'.
Currently I am closing the window and re-running the main script but this is slow and inefficient.
EDIT: To clarify, the tags contain other letters also... I am looking to ONLY empty strings of static text boxes that have "Output" in their tag name.
3 Kommentare
am 10 Jul. 2018
Bearbeitet: Adam
am 10 Jul. 2018
The handles of all your GUI components are stored directly on the handles struct. I would have thought it would be faster to interrogate its fields using something like
names = fieldnames( handles );
idx = contains( fieldnames( handles ), 'Output' );
names = names( idx );
for n = 1:numel( names )
handles.( names{ n } ).String = [];
That is off the top of my head and may contain errors.
Using findall seems very inefficient for a self-contained GUI and seems a very brittle way of doing things though. Personally I would keep an array of the relevant text handles that I populate at the creation of the UI if I were to do this. Then setting them to empty would be trivial.
Akzeptierte Antwort
Geoff Hayes
am 10 Jul. 2018
Matt - the function contains looks to have been introduced in r2016b so that function is most not likely available to you (given that your version is r2015a).
You can try the following though. Continue as before to get all the handles to the static text controls
allStaticTextHandles = findall(handles.figure1,'style','text');
Then get the tags for each one (note that I'm using code for r2014a so it may be different for your version)
allStaticTextTags = get(allStaticTextHandles, 'Tag');
strfind(allStaticTextTags, 'Output')
will be a cell array of empty arrays or indices of where the string 'Output' starts in the tag. For example,
ans = { []; [5]; []}
and so you would need to find which of these is non-empty and then clear the contents of that static text control.
4 Kommentare
Geoff Hayes
am 10 Jul. 2018
Matt - something like this worked for me
allStaticTextControlHandles = findobj(handles.figure1,'style','text')
staticTextControldToClear = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)~isempty(x),strfind(get(allStaticTextControlHandles,'Tag'),'Output'), 'UniformOutput',false));
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