How to find the Process ID (PID) in matlab

99 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Muharrem Askin
Muharrem Askin am 8 Jun. 2012
Kommentiert: Eddy Philippe am 23 Jun. 2020
Is there any function or method in matlab to find the process ID (PID) of the program in the task manager ?

Antworten (4)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind am 8 Jun. 2012
There is an undocumented (but relatively well-known) function:
>> feature getpid
  2 Kommentare
Muharrem Askin
Muharrem Askin am 11 Jun. 2012
Actually I would like to get the PID of another programs when they are running at the time I check it. Simply, I would not only want to get the PID of matlab but also the others listed on the task manager. Do you know how can I do that ?
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind am 11 Jun. 2012
I think you might need to figure out a Windows shell command that does that and use the SYSTEM function to call into the shell.

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William Stevenson
William Stevenson am 3 Jan. 2013
To find the running tasks: [response,tasks] = system('tasklist');
e.g. to find Excel [response,tasks] = system('tasklist/fi "imagename eq Excel.exe"')

Jim Hokanson
Jim Hokanson am 11 Okt. 2016
Bearbeitet: Jim Hokanson am 11 Okt. 2016
A .NET solution:
name = 'excel'; %for example
p = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(name);
if p.Length == 1
pid = p(1).Id; %You must index into p (not p.Id), as this changes the class type

Yair Altman
Yair Altman am 9 Jun. 2012
  2 Kommentare
Muharrem Askin
Muharrem Askin am 11 Jun. 2012
Actually I would like to get the PID of another programs when they are running at the time I check it. Simply, I would not only want to get the PID of matlab but also the others listed on the task manager. Do you know how can I do that ?
Eddy Philippe
Eddy Philippe am 23 Jun. 2020
Try [~,result] = system('tasklist');

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