Constrained system of ODE

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Federico Tavella
Federico Tavella am 7 Jun. 2018
Beantwortet: Marko am 9 Nov. 2019
Hello everyone, I am trying to develop a biological propagation model in Matlab.
The model is composed by 8 coupled ordinary differential equations, which describe how certain species evolve through the time. I have been using the ode45 solver. You can find the implementation at this link
However, I am facing some difficulties about adding constraints to these equations. I would like to add some upper/lower bounds to the values, but apparently the solver is ignoring these constraints.
Anybody can help me?

Antworten (1)

Marko am 9 Nov. 2019
Hey Frederico!
Could you solve the problem? I have a similar one. Your link isnt available anymore.


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