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How to make this plot

10 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Stefano Di Vito
Stefano Di Vito am 31 Mai 2018
Kommentiert: Stefano Di Vito am 31 Mai 2018
Hello! I'd like an help to find the right way to make the following plot. I have a logical matrix, with values true (1) and false (0). This matrix has dimensions (P, T). Let's say T is the time window vector, and P represents my variables. I want to plot their value for each time window, by this way:
  • If the value of the cell is true, then it is marked by a green circle
  • If the value of the cell is false, then it is marked by a red circle
The result should be a column of circles, green and red, for each column of the matrix, so i should obtain T columns of circles, one after the another. The Y-axis should have the number of P-variables as measure, while X-axis should have a vector of dates, like the following one: T_1,T_2,......,T_155 (how can i name it in this way?)
For istance, i have P=80 variables. For each of these 80 variables, i should plot the value they assume in each time window, so i should have a column of 80 circles, for a fixed time window.
  2 Kommentare
Stephen23 am 31 Mai 2018
@Stefano Di Vito: what have you tried so far?
Stefano Di Vito
Stefano Di Vito am 31 Mai 2018
hold on
ylim([0 80]);
xlim([0 155]);
for j=T(1)
for i=1:P
if M(i,j)~=0
hold off
I tried this, starting from the first column; but i get only two points; how can i do to plot each point? and how can i set the cycle to repeat for each column of the matrix? M is a (P,Treb) matrix

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Antworten (1)

Paridhi Yadav
Paridhi Yadav am 31 Mai 2018
Hey, you can extract the data of P in two different vectors, one with all true(1) value and one with false(0) and plot both of them one over other using "hold on".

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