MEX interface for IPOPT solver

40 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Stefanie Aebersold
Stefanie Aebersold am 9 Mai 2018
Kommentiert: Haozheng Xue am 5 Jul. 2022
Hi I am trying to install the IPOPT solver for nonconvex optimization (I think there is no solver for this case in the Matlab optimization toolbox, right?). Now I need the MEX interface so that the solver can be used from MATLAB (see I don't really understand how this works. I also read the documentation on C mex file applications but I think I didn't get it. What are the specific steps to configure MATLAB such that it builds MEX files? Thanks for any hints.
  2 Kommentare
Mads am 12 Aug. 2019
I managed to get the Ipopt mex-file for win 10, from OPTI Toolbox, but I had prefered to have for Mac. Which OS did you need it for and have you gotten it?
Haozheng Xue
Haozheng Xue am 5 Jul. 2022
Hi Mads could you please share your IPOPT mex-file for win 10 please?

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Antworten (1)

Mary Fenelon
Mary Fenelon am 9 Mai 2018
Give fmincon in Optimization Toolbox a try using its default interior-point algorithm. If it converges, it will be to a local optima, the same as IPOPT.
  1 Kommentar
Mingyang Sun
Mingyang Sun am 9 Dez. 2021
No...... the fmincon in Optimization Toolbox is a horrible interior-point solver for large scale non-convex problem, comparing to the IPOPT. OPTI-toolbox or MexIPOPT is recommanded.

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