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How can I create a table with no specific number of rows and input various data types row by row?

19 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)

I need to store data out of a database into a table/matrix. Currently I'm using the following solution, so far so good. But there are also data types like strings (Names etc) in other words I need another way to store that data. I found the table function but don't know how to use in my case.

Here how it currently works:

objresult.Open(); %COM Objects, not relevant
row = 0;
result = [];
while row < objresult.CountRows
        result(row+1,1) = objresult.Item('F_State'); 
        result(row+1,2) = double(objresult.Item('Result_ID'));
        objresult.MoveNext(); %COM Object
        row = row + 1;    

Thanks in advance!

Akzeptierte Antwort

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins am 20 Apr. 2018
Bearbeitet: Peter Perkins am 20 Apr. 2018

I'm only guessing at what you mean by "no specific number of rows". "objresult.CountRows" looks like it know how many there are, but I actually don't know how those things work. Your while loop suggests that you need to check for more rows each time you read one.

In R2018a, you can do something like this:

t = table('Size',[0 2],'VariableTypes',{'string' 'double'},'VariableNames',{'F_State' 'ResultID'});
while row < objresult.CountRows
    t.F_State(row) = objresult.Item('F_State'); 
    t.ResultID(row) = double(objresult.Item('Result_ID'))

Prior to R2018a, only thing that needs to change is the call to table, just preallocate double and string column vectors. But the performance of that is not going to be great, because it's going to be growing the table at each iteration. Best if you know how many in advance, or if you grow it in chunks rather than one row at a time.

Weitere Antworten (1)

s.h.m_89 am 22 Apr. 2018
Bearbeitet: s.h.m_89 am 22 Apr. 2018
Thank you for your help. I had a solution that is very close to yours and as you mentioned the performance is not the best.
You are right 'objresult.CountRows' counts the rows of the database table. My fault, I will use it as you recommended.
Many thanks again, best


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