Note: Question also asked on ROS answers:
ROS create PointCloud2 from MATLAB pointCloud
7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Connor Fuhrman
am 17 Apr. 2018
Kommentiert: Charles Zhang
am 29 Mär. 2021
I am looking to convert a MATLAB pointCloud object to a ROS PointCloud2 message. My application is receiving a point cloud, and processing the data in MATLAB. Then I wish to publish this cloud to ROS in the PointCloud2 format. I assume that since MATLAB can read the XYZ and RGB values in my subscribed PointCloud2 then there are translations between the two.
This is my current MATLAB pointCloud object that I wish to transform to something similar to the PointCloud2 that i receive.
This is my received PointCloud2 message in MATLAB:
I would very much appreciate any help! I think that I really don't understand how the PointCloud2 messages are formatted...
Akzeptierte Antwort
Sebastian Castro
am 14 Mär. 2019
Hello Connor,
It's almost been a year since you asked, but I just learned about this question!
I've written MATLAB and Simulink utilities to convert from Computer Vision System Toolbox to ROS PointCloud2 messages, and you can find them here.
If anyone would like to test them, let us know how it worked at
- Sebastian
3 Kommentare
Amir Darwesh
am 20 Jun. 2020
Hi Jose,
I'm facing an issue with the lidarMsgOut.Data length. For some reason, the length cannot go beyond 128, even though I am setting lidarMsg.out.Data_SL_Info.CurrentLength to 554496.
Any help is appreciated!
Charles Zhang
am 29 Mär. 2021
Not sure if you still need this, but you should change your default array size limit for this message:
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