How do I learn more about MathWorks product updates?

14 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
How do I learn more about MathWorks product updates?

Akzeptierte Antwort

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team am 26 Mai 2021
Bearbeitet: MathWorks Support Team am 26 Mai 2021
What is an update?
Update releases are an improved method for delivering bug fixes. Previously files from bug report patch attachments had to be replaced manually. The Update release is a cumulative set of fixes, developed and tested together to ensure quality.
How can I tell which version/update I am using?
When an update has been installed, the Update number appears on the splash screen during startup, and is returned in the release name output by the VER command.
For example:
>> ver
MATLAB Version: (R2017b) Update 2
Where can I find the links to download the Updates?
You can find a download link for the MATLAB Update Installer in all external bug reports which have been fixed in a specific MATLAB Update.
For R2018b and on-wards, you will be notified that there is an Update available for download. There will be a link in this Update that opens up the installer for the update.
To download an Update for a MATLAB Release directly from the MathWorks website:
  1. Go to
  2. Sign into your MathWorks account if you are not already signed in.
  3. On the right side of the screen, select the release you want to download. You may need to scroll down to find the release you are looking for.
  4. On the following page there will be a section called Related Links and under this section there will be a link to download the latest Update for your release
Please note that MathWorks recommends installing the latest update, which includes the fixes from all previous updates. Also if you do not see a update link listed then there are no updates for that particular release.
Note that the Update Installer does not provide a way to "roll back" the update after you have installed it. The way to go back is to fully uninstall MATLAB, and reinstall the general release, and then install updates to return to your desired update level.

Weitere Antworten (1)

ILoveMATLAB am 22 Jan. 2019
There is something wrong with the new update. After updating matlab I clicked on the shortcut and received the following message. Do I have to reinstall 2018b?
  2 Kommentare
ILoveMATLAB am 23 Jan. 2019
Bearbeitet: ILoveMATLAB am 23 Jan. 2019
The instructions that Star Strider linked in his anwser worked for me. I upvoted the instructions supplied by Matlab to show my gratitude.

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