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Isolating a matrix in a symbolic expression

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
ck12345 am 13 Mär. 2018
Bearbeitet: ck12345 am 13 Mär. 2018
I have the following code written in a live script:
syms theta t w0 real %transformation variables
syms V_t V_g I_g VTERM VGSC IGSC VTdq0 VGdq0 Idq0 real;
syms Vtd Vtq Vt0 Vgd Vgq Vg0 Igd Igq Ig0 real;
syms l_g r_g L R real
theta=w0*t; %From PLL
ABC2DQ=([sin(theta) cos(theta) 1; sin(theta-(2*pi/3)) cos(theta-(2*pi/3)) 1; sin(theta+(2*pi/3)) cos(theta+(2*pi/3)) 1]);
%Resistance and inductance of GSC to Tx path
%The DQ0 equivalents
VTdq0=[Vtd Vtq Vt0]';
VGdq0=[Vgd Vgq Vg0]';
Idq0=[Igd Igq Ig0]';
%GSC terminal equation (Direction of current is towards the GSC)
eqn = -VTabc + R*Iabc + L*diff(Iabc,t) + VGabc == 0
I want to isolate the matrix VTdq0 in the above equation. So ideally it should give the expressions for (Vtd Vtq Vt0)'= 3x1 matrix
I dont know how to make it solve for VTdq0.
solve(eqn,VTdq0) just says:
ans =
Vtd: [1×1 sym]
Vtq: [1×1 sym]
Vt0: [1×1 sym]
Any help is much appreciated.

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