Unsupporte​dOperation​Exception: The first invocation of this method cannot be on the MATLAB thread.

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\bin\matlab" -nodesktop -nosplash -wait -log -minimize -r "matlab.addons.toolbox.installedToolboxes();"
When I execute the above command I get this exception:
Error using matlab.addons.toolbox.installedToolboxes
Java exception occurred:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The first invocation of this method cannot be on the MATLAB thread.
at com.mathworks.addons_common.util.FolderNameUtils.getFirstFolderInUserPath(FolderNameUtils.java:57)
at com.mathworks.addons_common.util.FolderNameUtils.getUsersHomeDirectory(FolderNameUtils.java:35)
at com.mathworks.addons_common.util.settings.InstallationFolderUtils.getDefaultInstallationFolder(InstallationFolderUtils.java:77)
at com.mathworks.addons_common.util.settings.InstallationFolderUtils.getInstallationFolderForMatlabDesktop(InstallationFolderUtils.java:42)
at com.mathworks.addons_common.util.settings.InstallationFolderUtils.getInstallationFolder(InstallationFolderUtils.java:36)
at com.mathworks.toolboxmanagement.CustomToolboxManager.getInstalled(CustomToolboxManager.java:81)
This seems to only happen with 2017b, I have tested the same with 2016a 2016b and 2017a without problems

Akzeptierte Antwort

John Harris
John Harris am 11 Okt. 2018
Not sure if this will fix it, but check out this bug and install the latest matlab Update if you haven't

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