Reduce the numbers of inputs in a numerical function
3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Hi all, if I have a numerical function f(x,y,z), and given that in my program most of the time x and y are fixed, I would like to evaluate f for some values x_0 and y_0, retaining the z dependence. At the end I would like to have a numerical funcion g(z)=f(x_0,y_0,z).
Is this possible?
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Antworten (2)
Andrei Bobrov
am 17 Mai 2012
f = @(x,y,z)x+y+z
x_0 = 3; y_0 = 6;
g = @(z)f(x_0 ,y_0 ,z)
>> g(5),g(9),g(13)
ans =
ans =
ans =
ADD use SymbolicToolbox
syms x y z
f = x*y*z
f1 = subs(f,{x,y},{3,4})
g = matlabFunction(f1)
>> g(5),g(9),g(13)
ans =
ans =
ans =
2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
am 17 Mai 2012
I would wrap a simplify() around the subs(). That gives the opportunity for MuPAD to recognize any special cases and to resolve values that have effectively become constants (e.g., for cos(0) emit 1).
am 17 Mai 2012
use passing of parameters: function value=my_fun(x,y,z); end
then you make an anonymous function: x0=... y0=... my_fun_z=@(z)my_fun(x0,y0,z);
now you can evaluate by just giving the value for z. (note: if you change the value of x0 or y0 you have to do the "my_fun_z=... " again)
however if some calculations inside your function stay the same (independent of z) and these are very demanding then you should split the function in a part with and without z to save calculation time
3 Kommentare
am 17 Mai 2012
if you can not or do not want to separate the parts, then it is impossible indeed... it might still be worth the effort to try.... sometimes things look more complicated than they are
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