background subtraction method using frame difference?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
ramya am 12 Jan. 2018
Kommentiert: kalli am 28 Jun. 2018
i am attaching code and video please let me know which part i am going wrong. i am not able to separate background and foreground images using frame difference method. a=VideoReader('G:\test.mp4'); b = read(a,1); c=rgb2gray(b); imshow(c); nframe=a.NumberOfFrames; [l m] =size(c); tic for i=110:120 d =read(a,i); e=rgb2gray(d); figure imshow(e); for i=1:l for j=1:m v(i ,j)= c(i, j)- e(i, j); end if (v(i,j)~=0) v(i,j)=0; else v(i,j)=1; end end end figure imshow(v);
  1 Kommentar
kalli am 28 Jun. 2018
no problem in the code. i tried this and i am getting output.

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