The errors happened in different version of matlab on the same code

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Stephen am 6 Mai 2012
As I posed before, runs well in matlab version R2009a.However, it goes wrong in version R2010. What was the problem? Thank you very much.
ps: original code is
%read the video
avi = aviread('sample.avi');
video = {avi.cdata};
pixels = double(cat(4,video{1:end}))/255;
nFrames = size(pixels,4)
%convert the video to gray scale
for f = 1:nFrames
pixel(:,:,f) = (rgb2gray(pixels(:,:,:,f)));
background=(pixel(:,:,1)+pixel(:,:,2)+pixel(:,:,3))/3; %get a background picture
%transfer the video to binary video and counting
for m = 2:1:nFrames
bw = im2bw(dif, 0.2);
if (0==any(bw(:,314))) && (0~=any(bw(:,313)))
  2 Kommentare
Wayne King
Wayne King am 6 Mai 2012
You should provide the error messages
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 6 Mai 2012
Or if there is no error message, describe the difference between what you see and what you expect.

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