generate vector from fixed point

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
matteo avanzi
matteo avanzi am 30 Nov. 2017
Beantwortet: Jos (10584) am 30 Nov. 2017
I have a 1x35 array, i want to generate a vector 1x31822 interpolating from the 35 points of the first vector, in a way that the two vectors could have the same shape.
which is the best method?
  2 Kommentare
Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) am 30 Nov. 2017
what do you mean by "have the same shape"? Can you give a small example?
matteo avanzi
matteo avanzi am 30 Nov. 2017
yes, the first array represent a kind of parabola with 35 points, i want to create a vector using this 35 points as keypoints; for example between the 1st and 2nd there must be around 909 points(31822/35) that interpolate the 1st and 2nd points. and so on for every point.
hope that it's better

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Akzeptierte Antwort

KSSV am 30 Nov. 2017
Read about interp1.
th = linspace(0,2*pi,35) ;
y = sin(th) ;
hold on
thi = linspace(min(th),max(th),31822) ;
yi = interp1(th,y,thi) ;
plot(thi,yi,'b') ;

Weitere Antworten (1)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) am 30 Nov. 2017
interp1 is your friend. An example:
x = [0 4 7 10]
y = (x-5).^2
xx = linspace(0,10,13)
yy0 = interp1(x,y,xx) % default: linear interpolation
yy1 = interp1(x,y,xx,'pchip')
plot(xx,yy0,'r-',xx,yy1,'g-', x,y,'bo')


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