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How to determine if two cone shaped distribution present?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Li Sun
Li Sun am 13 Nov. 2017
First, thank you all for looking at this question.
Here is the problem, let's look at the 2-d graph Figure 1. as below, the x-y coordinates represent the spatial location. the color of each pixel represents the value, the more yellowish it is, the higher the value is. on the contrary, the more blueish it is, the lower the value is.
And here is what it looks like in a 3-d space.
Now, my question is that I only want to keep the ones who have only 1 cone-shaped distribution. for the cases like I am showing here, where two Gaussian-like distributions are present, I want to filter them out.
Does anyone have any hints on how to approach this problem?
Thank you in advance for all your suggestions and helps.

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