stream motive data to simulink rigidbodydata empty

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
minkow38 am 13 Okt. 2017
After unsuccessfully trying to stream between Motive and Simulink (either iwth udp, or Or Hirshfeld solutions), I tried to use a wrapper to access to NET.addAssembly while running simulink.
So first if I want to get x position I have my wrapper:
function x = NatNet_wrapper(RigidBody_ID)
addpath('my path to dll')
dllPath = fullfile(my path to dll 'NatNetSDK','Samples','Matlab','NatNetML.dll');
assemblyInfo = NET.addAssembly(dllPath);
theClient = NatNetML.NatNetClientML(0) % Input = iConnectionType: 0 = Multicast, 1 = Unicast
HostIP = char('');
theClient.Initialize(HostIP, HostIP) % Flg = returnCode: 0 = Success
frameOfData = theClient.GetLastFrameOfData()
rigidBodyData = frameOfData.RigidBodies(RigidBody_ID);
X= single(0);
X = rigidBodyData.x;
x = double(X)
Then I have a matlab Function in simulink:
function x = getoptitrackdata(RigidBody_ID)
x = double(0);
x = NatNet_wrapper(RigidBody_ID);
When I run Simulink I can see in the diagnostic viewer that the flag Flg=0 so it's initialized, but I get
Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object.
error because my frameOfData is empty.
Do you have any why? I made sure streaming is on on motive and that my asset has the right index and is tracked.
I run matlab 2016b / on windows 64bits.
Any help would be great, Thanks

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