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Why use intermediate terms in Simscape?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Jan Kragbæk
Jan Kragbæk am 25 Sep. 2017
Bearbeitet: Sebastian Castro am 25 Sep. 2017
Hi I'm writing my own blocks in Simscape and have come across intermediate terms. I have included a code snippet as demo:
Re = V*D*rho/mu;
x == y*Re;
Re == V*D*rho/mu;
x == y*Re;
What is the difference of have my equations in "let/in" instead of just having it in equations?

Antworten (1)

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro am 25 Sep. 2017
Bearbeitet: Sebastian Castro am 25 Sep. 2017
There is an efficiency/memory vs. traceability difference.
If you defined Re explicitly as an intermediate variable, you need to allocate memory to that variable and track its value at each time step. The advantages
  1. You can log the variable and view it later with tools like sscexplore.
  2. It will show up in the block's "Variables" tab so you can set its initial condition, and you can see the initial value in the Variable Explorer.
If you use a let section, it basically inlines all that code and treats it as if it were just one big equation, as below. It is more efficient, but then you can't log the value for debugging/posterity.
x == y*V*D*rho/mu;
- Sebastian


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