How Jackknife sampling works?

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
MByk am 17 Aug. 2017
Beantwortet: the cyclist am 18 Aug. 2017
I am trying to understand sampling techniques but I am stuck on jacknife. Can somebody explain how jacknife sampling works? How can I see the samples? or this is completely different than I thought? Thanks for the help.
load ('wine.txt');
format shortG;
X = wine(:,(1:13));
Y = wine(:,14);
% [~,bootsam] = bootstrp(2,[],X,Y);
% [s,idx] = datasample(wine,100,'Replace',false);
js = jackknife(@corr,X,Y);

Akzeptierte Antwort

the cyclist
the cyclist am 18 Aug. 2017
Here is a quote from that page that summarizes the technique succinctly:
For a sample with n points, the jackknife computes sample statistics on n separate samples of size n-1. Each sample is the original data with a single observation omitted.

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