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How can I extract number/letter part from this binary image ?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Jahidul Islam Munna
Jahidul Islam Munna am 14 Aug. 2017
Beantwortet: mizuki am 15 Aug. 2017
I tried erosion/dilation process but I failed :/
  2 Kommentare
Baptiste Ottino
Baptiste Ottino am 14 Aug. 2017
Bearbeitet: Baptiste Ottino am 14 Aug. 2017
Do you want to extract it as a string? It is a difficult task, and you want to take a look at the Tools in the following toolboxes:
  1. Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
  2. Neural Network Toolbox
I doubt someone will post exactly how to do it, because it is a small project in itself. Have fun!
Jahidul Islam Munna
Jahidul Islam Munna am 14 Aug. 2017
Thanks for your comment.
No, I don't need to extract it as a string, I only need to show the letters/numbers portion of this binary image.
And I don't have any Neural Network or Machine Learning Knowledge. I wanted to do this using only image processing technique. I've applied erosion/dilation process but It didn't work well :/

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Antworten (2)

Gareth Thomas
Gareth Thomas am 14 Aug. 2017
Have you tried OCR? Optical Character Recognition.
This comes with the Computer Vision System Toolbox.
  1 Kommentar
Jahidul Islam Munna
Jahidul Islam Munna am 14 Aug. 2017
Thanks for your valuable comment.
But I don't need to recognize the characters. All I want to remove all objects/components except letter/number portion of this binary image.

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mizuki am 15 Aug. 2017
This example would help - this is part of OCR example, but what it does first (- Step 4) is extracting the area of letters by removing other areas.


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