Send a float number to Arduino Target (Serial Receive) using Serial Send (instrument control toolbox)

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Hi, I'm trying to use the Arduino UNO as Hardware In the Loop. I am stuck because I cannot find a way to send a float single precision number via Serial Send block (from Instrument control toolbox), with the arduino target receiving it with Serial Receive (from Arduino Target library).. After that I will need to send a float back from the target to the simulink, (always using serial communication), but that seems a bit easier.
One more thing: the Serial Receive from Arduino Target gives as an output, a int16, but only the 8LSB contain informations, I don't know why (and the Serial Send block from the Arduino Target expects an UINT8, just like it is meant to be!)
I am using Matlab 2011b, and the arduino target library compatible with the IDE 0022, which I have regularly installed. The newest Arduino Target Library, compatible with IDE 1.0 and Matlab 2012a does not work

Antworten (1)

Gautam Vallabha
Gautam Vallabha am 9 Apr. 2012
For sending data from MATLAB to Arduino, take a look at the "To Instrument" block (in Instrument Control Toolbox). The "Send" tab in the block mask allows you to send 32-bit or 64-bit floats. This blog entry describes a similar approach.
> The newest Arduino Target Library, compatible with IDE 1.0 and Matlab 2012a does not work.
Can you elaborate? What problem are you having with this?
  7 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 14 Mai 2012
In MATLAB it would be
In Simulink I suspect it would be messy to do without calling upon MATLAB.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 15 Mai 2012
Possibly Shankar's response will help:

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