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Convert cell array to matrix to be able to export to excel

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Milagros ARIETTI
Milagros ARIETTI am 27 Jun. 2017
Kommentiert: Milagros ARIETTI am 28 Jun. 2017
if true
SaveFileName = 'Sus-Ih5';
% Get Cell selection file
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.xlsx','Select Excel file','MultiSelect','on'); % get filename
FFN = [PathName FileName];
data_fid = fopen(FFN,'rt');
PathName=[PathName 'signal files\'];
% Determine how many sheets are in the selection file
%For all sheets do
for jj = 1:numel(sheets)
Sheet=sheets{jj}; %Convert sheet name in string
[Excel,bla]=xlsread(FFN,Sheet); %Read content Selection File
[CellNum bla]=size(Excel); %Determine number of cells
for ii = 1:CellNum
% Clear variables
% Read File
fName=sprintf('MA%3.3d_%3.3d.cfs',Excel(ii,1),Excel(ii,2)); %Make data filename
input=ReadCFSFile(cfsdir, fName, chan_num,0); % Dir, FileName, Records (0=all)
disp([ 'File Name: ' fName]);
A(:,ii,jj)= { input.current(:,1003:3003)};
v = cell2mat(A)
% xlswrite(fullfile(PathName,SaveFileName),A(:,:,:),Sheet,'A1');
So this is the code I am working on, this files, have 5 traces (2000 points each). I need to extract part of the data from some cells, later on subtract one cell in one condition to another. so I created A a 1x6 cell. Inside there is 6 5x2000 matrix I want to use. I want to transform the cell into matrix, 30x2000 (in this case because there are 6 cells to analyze) or something like that, so I can do it for all, later subtract.
cell2mat(A) just transforms it 5x120006 or something like that and I can't use it. Could anybody help.
I am sorry I am very new to this coding thing.
  2 Kommentare
KSSV am 28 Jun. 2017
cell's can straight away written to excel. You need not to convert them to matrix.
Milagros ARIETTI
Milagros ARIETTI am 28 Jun. 2017
hank you for your answer. I know that, but like I said I try to convert the cell into matrix and it concatenate in a way I can't use them. I need a matrix 30x2000 but I only get 5x12000000 or so numbers. Like I said, there 5 traces 2000 points each. (6 cells in total), So I would like to put (2000,5) next 5 columns the next cell.. etc. I hope I explained myself.

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