Compare values in cell array with a threshold value.

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
lucksBi am 16 Jun. 2017
Kommentiert: lucksBi am 16 Jun. 2017
i have 2 cell arrays like this:
A= {[NaN,1.8,3,NaN,4];[2.6,NaN,NaN,2.9,4];[NaN,3,2,2,NaN]}
B={[5x5 cell];[6x5 cell];[4x5 cell]}
elements in B are:
B{1,1}= {0,21,14,0,0;0,10,0,0,4;0,11,0,0,0;0,0,1,0,3;0,8,0,0,0}
B{2,1}= {13,0,0,0;0,0,0,13;9,0,0,0;5,0,0,3;0,0,0,0}
B{3,1}= {0,0,2;0,0,0;0,0,12;0,5,21;7,0,0,0}
For each non-NaN value column index in each cell of A, it will display and count values greater & less than 'thresh' in corresponding cell of B.
e.g. in first cell of A, 2 is first non-NaN value, so it will check in 2nd column of B{1,1} which is {21;10;11;0;8} the values which are greater than thresh value (which are 21 and 11). And Count them (which are 2 here). And also values less and equal to the thresh value (which are 8 and 10) and count them.
Similarly next non-NaN index is 3 so it will repeat the process for 3rd column of B{1,1}
Please help.
  2 Kommentare
Julian Hapke
Julian Hapke am 16 Jun. 2017
I can't execute your example, because there is a dimension mismatch in the assignment of B{3,1}. I recommend to use plain arrays instead of cell arrays inside of B, so replace curly braces on the rhs with []. Then a simple loop should do the trick
lucksBi am 16 Jun. 2017
yes I have tried that but actual arrays are quite large which makes code inefficient by using loops. Thanks for your time.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov am 16 Jun. 2017
Bearbeitet: Andrei Bobrov am 16 Jun. 2017
% input
A= {[NaN,1.8,3,NaN,4];[2.6,NaN,NaN,2.9,4];[NaN,3,2,2,NaN]};
B = arrayfun(@(x)num2cell(randi([0 23],x,5).*(rand(x,5) > .5)),[5;6;4],'un',0);
% solution
Bd = cellfun(@cell2mat,B,'un',0);
out = cellfun(@(x,y)histc(y(:,~isnan(x)),[eps(1e4),Thresh+eps(1e4),inf]),A,Bd,'un',0);
out = cellfun(@(x)x([2,1],:),out,'un',0);
  4 Kommentare
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov am 16 Jun. 2017
Bearbeitet: Andrei Bobrov am 16 Jun. 2017
D = cat(3,out{:});
gth = squeeze(D(1,:,:))'; % greater than
lth = squeeze(D(2,:,:))'; % less than
lucksBi am 16 Jun. 2017
Yes i have tried this earlier but it gives following error
Error using cat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.

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