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How can I modify the findpeaks command to give me a width at 80% of peak height (instead of at the build in 'halfheight')?

24 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I am trying to analyze peaks but and need to determine the width of signal at 80% of the peak height. Matlab has a built in criterion when you specify findpeaks(...,'WidthReference",'halfheight') and this gives you 50%.
I have tried to modify the code but have so far been unsuccessful. If anybody can help I would really appreciate it.
Thank you

Akzeptierte Antwort

dpb am 28 Mai 2017
Bearbeitet: dpb am 28 Mai 2017
I'd suggest not modifying findpeaks but to postprocess the results instead--a sample from one of the examples of the basic process I'd undertake:
load mtlb % a sample dataset
select = mtlb(1001:1200); % a subsection that's got a few peaks...
x=1:length(select); % corollary variable of bin locations
[pks,locs,wdths]=findpeaks(select,x,'MinPeakHeight',2); % the result for just a few >2
% The "engine" to postprocess...
fnInterpL=@(p,l,w) interp1(select(l-fix(w):l),l-fix(w):l,0.8*p); % interpolate lower side
fnInterpH=@(p,l,w) interp1(select(l:l+fix(w)),l:l+fix(w),0.8*p); % and upper...
This can be used as:
>> [arrayfun(fnInterpL,pks,locs.',wdths.') arrayfun(fnInterpH,pks,locs.',wdths.')]
ans =
51.3944 53.5555
82.5567 84.8145
145.4656 146.3182
NB: the transpose on the locations/widths vectors; for some reason findpeaks doesn't return all three in same orientation as arrayfun needs.
One could generalize the above a little more by passing in the limit percent as well. Also note the above has the anonymous functions with the builtin signal; probably in a general case would be best to just go ahead and do an m-file where can pass it as well...
The above are the boundaries; the width is the difference of course:
>> w80=[arrayfun(fnInterpH,pks,locs.',wdths.')-arrayfun(fnInterpL,pks,locs.',wdths.') ]
w80 =
  4 Kommentare
Poonam Thakur
Poonam Thakur am 14 Nov. 2018
I understand this is an old thread but taking my chance here. I am intersted in finding peak width at threshold. I tried to use the above code using my threshold value instead of 0.8*p. However, it returned me arrays full of NaN. My data consists of very long arrays and has multiple peaks.
Thank you.
dpb am 14 Nov. 2018
Would probably be best to post new Q? with the specific data (representative subset, of course).
Would need to see the specific code you tried, obviously, to see if could spot any problems there; NaN is a typical result from interp1 when it tries to extrapolate so one could infer that perhaps the ranges to it in the above anonymous function aren't bounding the input points being looked for...

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Weitere Antworten (1)

David Zimmerman
David Zimmerman am 14 Nov. 2018
Hello thread,
First I want to apologize, I did not see the response posted by dpb and I have not personally tryed it but it may be a much neater code than my own. However, this is what I ended up writing. It begins by using findpeaks to get the location and value of each peak. It also set a minimum peak distance and a minimum peak height of 2. Then it proceeds to test if terminal points exist, higher than peaks and then goes through multiple peaks, interpolating right and left and eliminating double peaks that overlap (keeping only the larger peak value). My analysis only looks at peaks with a value greater than 2 so the code begins with an if statement but I suppressed it for you (however, you should change the MinPeakDistance and MinPeakHeight to your own values) [written with matlab 2015]
David Z.
select = inpaint_nans(rate_matrix_left(i_plot,:));
% if (max_y_L >= 2) == 1
num = length(pks);
cell = ones(1,num)*cell_count;
Low = zeros(1,num);
High = zeros(1,num);
L = zeros(1,num);
R = zeros(1,num);
w80_L = zeros(1,num);
% checks if there exists a terminal point greater than the peaks
if isempty(locs) == 0 && max_y_L > max(pks)
if max_y_L == select(72)
locs(num) = 72; % come back to bc i think should be num+1
pks(num) = select(72);
elseif max_y_L == select(1)
locs(num) = 1;
pks(num) = select(1);
% if there is a value greater than 2, but there are not peaks,
% if statement checks if maximum value occurs at
% first or last bin
if isempty(locs) == 1
if max_y_L == select(72)
locs = 72;
pks = select(72);
cell = cell_count;
elseif max_y_L == select(1)
locs = 1;
pks = select(1);
cell = cell_count;
for i = 1:length(locs)
% interpolate left
L(i) = locs(i);
while select(L(i)) >= .19*pks(i) && L(i) >= 2
L(i) = L(i) - 1;
if L(i) == 1
Low(i) = 1;
Low(i) = interp1(select(L(i):L(i)+2),L(i):L(i)+2,0.2*pks(i));
% interpolate right
R(i) = locs(i);
while select(R(i)) >= .19*pks(i) && R(i) <= 71
R(i) = R(i) + 1;
if R(i) == 72
High(i) = 72;
% High(i) = interp1(select(locs(i):R(i)),locs(i):R(i),0.2*pks(i));
High(i) = interp1(select(R(i)-2:R(i)),R(i)-2:R(i),0.2*pks(i));
for i = 1:length(locs)
if isnan(High(i)) == 1
High(i) = 72;
if isnan(Low(i)) == 1
Low(i) = 1;
w80_L(i)= High(i) - Low(i);
% to get rid of double peaks
if length(locs)>1
i = 0;
while i <= length(locs)-1
if High(i)>locs(i+1) || Low(i+1)<locs(i)
if pks(i+1)<pks(i)
pks(i+1) = [];
locs(i+1) = [];
Low(i+1) = [];
High(i+1) = [];
w80_L(i+1) = [];
cell(i+1) = [];
pks(i) = [];
locs(i) = [];
Low(i) = [];
High(i) = [];
w80_L(i) = [];
cell(i) = [];
for i = 1:length(locs)
hold on
% else
% [pks,locs, Low, High, w80_L] = deal(NaN);
% cell = cell_count;
% end
  2 Kommentare
MARWA NOOR am 4 Feb. 2019
i tried this code ,it is correct but i do not understand how zeros function work here
..i know that is to generate matrix of zeros ,
David Zimmerman
David Zimmerman am 4 Feb. 2019
hi Marwa,
speaking of the code I posted above, the zeros are being used to preallocate space for 5 values. The values L and R are used during the interpolation, such that after you find he peak you move left ('L') and right ('R') while the value Low and High are created to store the 80% peak hight value, left and right of the peak respectively. Lastly, the value w80_L is the width, so how far away (in x) the lower 80% peak hight value is from the higher 80% peak hight value.

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