Peak detection without using findpeaks()

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
preeti visweswaran
preeti visweswaran am 18 Apr. 2017
Following is the code to find peaks.What input should be given to run the function along with threshold.I tried giving both file and the col as inputs,but fail to detect peaks.I gave 0.75 as the threshold.Attached is the data I am working with. There is something else going on with logic,please help!
file = 'forRef_2.xls';
col = xlsread(file,'J:J');
function [peaks, locations] = peakdet (mag, threshold)
len = length(mag);
prev = 1;
cur = 2;
next = 3;
k = 1; %number of peaks
while next < len
if mag(cur) - mag(prev) > threshold
if mag(cur) > mag(next)
peaks(k) = mag(cur);
fprintf('peak at %d has magnitude %d\n', cur,mag(cur));
k = k + 1;
prev = cur;
cur = next;
next = next + 1;
  7 Kommentare
KSSV am 19 Apr. 2017
So you want to find the maximum value which is less then the threshold from the column?
preeti visweswaran
preeti visweswaran am 19 Apr. 2017
I want to detect all the Mean_Acc values that are above the 0.75

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