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How do I generate a sequence of variable matrices from data stored in multiple .mat files?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
I have a number of similarly named files each with a differing number of columns and two variables, height & weight.
Group1.mat,. . . ,GroupN.mat
How do I grab each file and separate the variables into their own values?
Height1,...,HeightN Weight1,...,WeightN
I tried this:
FileTotal = dir('*.mat');
i = length(FileTotal);
for k = 1:i
Height{k} = FileTotal.height
Weight{k} = FileTotal.weight
I've tried other things as well. No luck

Akzeptierte Antwort

KSSV am 10 Mär. 2017
Files = dir('*.mat'); % all mat files in the folder
N = length(Files); % total number of files
Height = cell(N,1) ; % initialize heights
Weight = cell(N,1) ; % initialize weights
for k = 1:N % loop for each file
load (Files(k).name) % load the file
Height{k} = height ;
Weight{k} = weight ;

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