Genetic algorithm giving errors - reg

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Siva am 29 Jan. 2017
Beantwortet: Geoff Hayes am 31 Jan. 2017
I implemented a flow shop scheduling problem in MATLAB R 2009b. But the same m-file and same data when i want to run in MATLAB R 2013a. It is giving error messages.
I tried to run genetic algorithm with the following line:
[x,fval,reason,output] = ga(fitnessfcn1,numberOfVariables,options)
Error messages are given below:
Error using feval
Undefined function 'gaoutputgen' for input
arguments of type 'struct'.
Error in gaoutput (line 29)
[state,optnew,changed] =
Error in gaunc (line 55)
[state,options] =
Error in ga (line 348)
= gaunc(FitnessFcn,nvars, ...
Error in mainHGA (line 58)
[x,fval,reason,output] =
But the same program worked well in MATLAB R 2009b.
How can i run it in MATLAB R 2013a.
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 29 Jan. 2017
What options did you pass in?
Siva am 31 Jan. 2017
Bearbeitet: Geoff Hayes am 31 Jan. 2017
I used the following options for running the Genetic Algorithm
options = gaoptimset('PopulationType', 'custom');
options = gaoptimset(options,'CreationFcn',inpop, ...
'CrossoverFcn',@mycrossoverOrder, ...
'MutationFcn',@mymutate_RX, ...
'PlotFcns',@gaplotbestf, ...
'Generations',2000,'PopulationSize',200, ...
This program run well in MATLAB R 2009b. But it is showing error messages in MATLAB R 2013a.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes am 31 Jan. 2017
According to the 2013a documentation found here, the signature for the output function is
[state,options,optchanged] = myfun(options,state,flag)
with the input arguments are defined as
  • options — Options structure
  • state — Structure containing information about the current generation. The State Structure describes the fields of state.
  • flag — String indicating the current status of the algorithm
Given the error message, Undefined function 'gaoutputgen' for input arguments of type 'struct', I suspect that this function signature changed from R2009b to R2013a to include a struct input (this would be the options). You will need to modify your gaoutputgen to conform to the (new) expected signature.

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