Hi All,
I am trying to understant why am i not getting the correct Mag and Phase Output of the Fourier Block.
for testing you can use the Example in Simulink for the Fourier Block, there you can add an interharmonics of lets say 3.8 for the Frequency and an Amplitude of 40 V and Phase of lets say 50 degree. and then dont Forget to add the 3.8 to the Fourier Block also.
The steps for doing that are:
- Open the Fourier Example by writting 'power_Fourier' in your Comandwindow
- edit the Src1 Block by adding an interharmonics as said before for example 3.8 Order
- edit the Fourier1 Block by adding the new Order Harmonic:[0:3 3.8]
I have added a figure for the selected configuration.
so my question why am i getting wrong answers?
Best Regards