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Putting in custom grid lines in figures

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Hosup Song
Hosup Song am 8 Dez. 2016
Beantwortet: David Barry am 8 Dez. 2016
Hi, I'm trying to make figures of heat senses and I need custom grids.
So I have a 150*150 matrix that im converting to a figure, but I want to label the source of the heat with two crossing lines.
So on my figure, i want to show these lines : x = 25, x = 125, y = 25, y = 125 so that at the crossing points such as (25,25) lies my heat sources.
All I need to know is how to input these lines into the figures. It would be amazing if they could be dotted lines too.
Thank you for the help!

Antworten (1)

David Barry
David Barry am 8 Dez. 2016


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