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Matrix dimensions error while solving kalman filter example

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Barkat am 30 Nov. 2016
Bearbeitet: James Tursa am 30 Nov. 2016
Hi I want to solve the following example for kalman filter but when I run the codes, the following error occures. Can you please help me to correct the codes? Thank you
??? Error using ==> at 208
The value of the "OutputName" property must be a string vector with as many entries as outputs. Type "ltiprops lti" from more information.
Error in ==> kalman_pitch at 12
Plant = ss(A,[B B],C,0,-1,'inputname',{'u' 'w'},'outputname','y');
The codes are:
A=[-0.2231 -0.5282 0;-0.0450 -0.4696 0;0 1 0];
C=[1 0 0;0 1 0; 0 0 1];
Plant = ss(A,[B B],C,0,-1,'inputname',{'u' 'w'},'outputname','y');

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