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How to open multiple text files and populating matrices with the data

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I have written the following codes to open a text file and populate a matrix with the data. It works fine.
fid=fopen('01_06_13hi.txt'); %Opens the file
allData =[]; %Creats a matrix to store all data
n = 0;
while feof(fid)== 0;
d1 = fgetl(fid); % reading the file line by line
if strfind(d1,'-NaN') %Overrules the 'Not a Number' value
ind= find(d1(:)==':'); %finds ':' in the data string and storing in variable 'ind'
ind2 = find(d1(:)=='/'); %finds '/' in the data string and storing in variable 'ind2'
d1(ind) = ' '; %string data
d1(ind2) = ' '; %string data
d2 = str2num(d1); % converting the data from string to number
allData(n,:) = d2; %Storing data of d2
Now I have some 630 .txt files. I have tried to modify the the code as follows:
filesFolder = 'lo_hi1/';
allTextFiles = dir([filesFolder,'*.txt']);
numberOfTextFiles = numel(allTextFiles);
nameOfTextFiles = {};
allData =[];
n = 0;
for i=1:numberOfTextFiles
while feof(fileID)== 0;
d1 = fgetl(fileID);
if strfind(d1,'-NaN')
ind= find(d1(:)==':');
ind2 = find(d1(:)=='/');
d1(ind) = ' ';
d1(ind2) = ' ';
d2 = str2num(d1);
allData(n,:) = d2;
fclose(fileID); %closing the file
I expected it to work but unfortunately it is not working. The command window showed the following:
Error using feof Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Error in multifileload (line 15) while feof(fileID)== 0;
Can anyone help me out?
  2 Kommentare
dpb am 19 Nov. 2016
Well, what does "not working" mean, precisely? We don't have your data so can't run it and can't see your terminal from here, either...
Md. Golam Mostafa
Md. Golam Mostafa am 20 Nov. 2016
Oh, sorry, I did not foresee the situation prevailing at your end. The command window showed the following:
Error using feof Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Error in multifileload (line 15) while feof(fileID)== 0;

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 20 Nov. 2016
fileID = fopen( fullfile(filesFolder, nameOfTextFiles{i}));
  1 Kommentar
Md. Golam Mostafa
Md. Golam Mostafa am 20 Nov. 2016
Bearbeitet: Md. Golam Mostafa am 21 Nov. 2016
Thanks, it worked. I have 630 txt files. Can you suggest me easy way to store data in 630 different matrices?

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