how to display output in matlab as table enclosed below

165 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
work wolf
work wolf am 1 Sep. 2016
Kommentiert: Shreen El-Sapa am 29 Jul. 2021
i have data as follows as
2 1 -0.307799 0.00
3 0.544459 0.0153522 0.01
4 0.566101 0.00070708 0.02
5 0.567143 -1.40255e-08 0.03
6 0.567143 1.50013e-12 0.04
7 0.567143 0 0.05
how to display output in matlab as table with the first row (enclosed below)
count x f(x) initial
2 1 -0.307799 0.00
3 0.544459 0.0153522 0.01
4 0.566101 0.00070708 0.02
5 0.567143 -1.40255e-08 0.03
6 0.567143 1.50013e-12 0.04
7 0.567143 0 0.05
  1 Kommentar
Shreen El-Sapa
Shreen El-Sapa am 29 Jul. 2021
How can I get data like this in matlab and put it in table?
I calculated function and I want to put it in tables for various parameters.

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Antworten (2)

Star Strider
Star Strider am 2 Sep. 2016
You can do that using a regular table but you cannot use ‘f(x)’ as a variable name because it is not a valid MATLAB variable name. I have changed it to ‘fx’ here:
Data = [ 2 1 -0.307799 0.00
3 0.544459 0.0153522 0.01
4 0.566101 0.00070708 0.02
5 0.567143 -1.40255e-08 0.03
6 0.567143 1.50013e-12 0.04
7 0.567143 0 0.05];
VarNames = {'count', 'x', 'fx', 'initial'};
T = table(Data(:,1),Data(:,2),Data(:,3),Data(:,4), 'VariableNames',VarNames)
  4 Kommentare
work wolf
work wolf am 4 Sep. 2016
thank you , but i need to show in workspace as matrix , i.e, add name row (( size 1xn ))for every column in number matrix (( size mxn )) as V=[ w n u ] (size 1x3) ; M=[ 1 2 3; 4 5 6;7 8 9; 10 11 12] size(4x3). M=
Star Strider
Star Strider am 4 Sep. 2016
My pleasure.
You can only do that with a table object, and you can only do that with R2013b or later.
Another option is:
DataCell = {VarNames, Data};
That puts all the variables in a cell array, but does not actually create a table. That’s as good as it gets without the table funciton.

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Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek am 1 Sep. 2016
h={'count' 'x' 'f(x)' 'initial'}
data=[2 1 -0.307799 0.00
3 0.544459 0.0153522 0.01
4 0.566101 0.00070708 0.02
5 0.567143 -1.40255e-08 0.03
6 0.567143 1.50013e-12 0.04
7 0.567143 0 0.05]
  1 Kommentar
work wolf
work wolf am 2 Sep. 2016
Thank you, but how to display results in command window and workspace? because results display as figure!!

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