Does someone have a take on this?
Also it is not clear to me after the 5 replicated are finished/aborted that the best solution is picked, as you can see by this console output: ('Best total sum of distances = 746573' doesn't actually exist)
Replicate 1, 100 iterations, total sum of distances = 703298.
Warning: Failed to converge in 100 iterations during replicate 1.
> In kmeans_constraint/loopBody (line 440)
In internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce (line 136)
In kmeans_constraint (line 316)
In KDEFindLines (line 11)
In GUI>btnStartInput_Callback (line 220)
In gui_mainfcn (line 95)
In GUI (line 42)
In @(hObject,eventdata)GUI('btnStartInput_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Replicate 2, 100 iterations, total sum of distances = 677004.
Warning: Failed to converge in 100 iterations during replicate 2.
> In kmeans_constraint/loopBody (line 440)
In internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce (line 136)
In kmeans_constraint (line 316)
In KDEFindLines (line 11)
In GUI>btnStartInput_Callback (line 220)
In gui_mainfcn (line 95)
In GUI (line 42)
In @(hObject,eventdata)GUI('btnStartInput_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Replicate 3, 100 iterations, total sum of distances = 661592.
Warning: Failed to converge in 100 iterations during replicate 3.
> In kmeans_constraint/loopBody (line 440)
In internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce (line 136)
In kmeans_constraint (line 316)
In KDEFindLines (line 11)
In GUI>btnStartInput_Callback (line 220)
In gui_mainfcn (line 95)
In GUI (line 42)
In @(hObject,eventdata)GUI('btnStartInput_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Replicate 4, 100 iterations, total sum of distances = 687313.
Warning: Failed to converge in 100 iterations during replicate 4.
> In kmeans_constraint/loopBody (line 440)
In internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce (line 136)
In kmeans_constraint (line 316)
In KDEFindLines (line 11)
In GUI>btnStartInput_Callback (line 220)
In gui_mainfcn (line 95)
In GUI (line 42)
In @(hObject,eventdata)GUI('btnStartInput_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Replicate 5, 100 iterations, total sum of distances = 728279.
Warning: Failed to converge in 100 iterations during replicate 5.
> In kmeans_constraint/loopBody (line 440)
In internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce (line 136)
In kmeans_constraint (line 316)
In KDEFindLines (line 11)
In GUI>btnStartInput_Callback (line 220)
In gui_mainfcn (line 95)
In GUI (line 42)
In @(hObject,eventdata)GUI('btnStartInput_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Best total sum of distances = 746573