Error in using pdist2 , error in Exhaustive​Searcher/k​nnsearch

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Raady am 2 Aug. 2016
Bearbeitet: Raady am 3 Aug. 2016
Hello I have a feature vector of 13 dimensions for m samples.I am trying to find the nearest neighbor of the each sample.
[m,~] = size(featurevector);
X = [];
Y = [];
for i = 1: m-1
if (featurevector(i,14) == 3)
X = [X;featurevector(i,1:13)];
Y = [Y;featurevector(i,1:13)];
I can get the distances values matrix which gives the distances of all the points when using
d = pdist2(X,Y,'euclidean');
but i want the indexs which 3 neighbors are near to each data point so i tried
[idx,dist] = knnsearch(X,Y,'k',3,'distance','euclidean');
but it shows an error
Error using pdist2
Too many input arguments.
Error in ExhaustiveSearcher/knnsearch (line 207)
[dist,idx] = pdist2(obj.X,Y, distMetric, arg{:}, 'smallest',numNN);
Error in knnsearch (line 144)
[idx, dist] = knnsearch(O,Y,'k',numNN, 'includeties',includeTies);
I expect the result to be an array showing the nearest neighbor for each point in the featurevector. Can any one suggest where I went wrong ?
  3 Kommentare
Raady am 2 Aug. 2016
c:\toolbox\classify\pdist2.m C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\MATLAB Production Server\R2015a\toolbox\stats\stats\pdist2.m % Shadowed
Raady am 2 Aug. 2016
Bearbeitet: Raady am 2 Aug. 2016
I am using Matlab 2015a

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 3 Aug. 2016
Your third party file c:\toolbox\classify\pdist2.m is interfering with use of the pdist2 from the Statistics toolbox. You need to rename or delete c:\toolbox\classify\pdist2.m or remove that directory from your MATLAB path.
  1 Kommentar
Raady am 3 Aug. 2016
Bearbeitet: Raady am 3 Aug. 2016
I used Matlab2007a before, I guessed the uninstallation would have remove all of those. Thank you so much it worked !

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