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How to edit a surf graph?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
zephyr21 am 21 Jun. 2016
Kommentiert: Chad Greene am 21 Jun. 2016
I currently have the code
for n=1:N
axis tight
The y- axis changes after P-overtime drops below certain values. How do set the limits of my y axis from 8000 to 3000. Also, how can I have colors coordinating to certain values as the number decrease?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Chad Greene
Chad Greene am 21 Jun. 2016
I'm not sure why colormap is in there--you can remove that line.
Set the y axis limits like this:
ylim([3000 8000])
Set the color axis limits in a similar way to make sure the colors change with the data like this:
caxis([150 575])
where I've used 150 and 575 as some arbitrary low and high values.
Try to do as little as possible inside the loop, because every time you call something in a loop, it eats up computational time. I suggest this rewrite:
h = surf(P_overtime(:,:,1));
axis tight
ylim([3000 8000])
caxis([150 575])
for n = 2:N;
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 21 Jun. 2016
You do not need both drawnow() and pause(): pause() automatically flushes the buffer.
Chad Greene
Chad Greene am 21 Jun. 2016
Oh, good to know!

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