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Coding problem for optimal control

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Redwood am 31 Mai 2016
Kommentiert: Tarekegn Dinku am 20 Jan. 2024
Dear Matlab experts,
I have a coding for optimal control problem, and this is not working. I would like to know how to solve this problem. Thank you very much in advance.
Sincerely yours,
function Bloc1
% State equations
syms x1 x2 p1 p2 u;
Dx1 = x2^2;
Dx2 = -x2 + u;
% Cost function inside the integral
syms g;
g = 0.5*u^0.5*x2^0.5;
% Hamiltonian
syms p1 p2 H;
H = g + p1*Dx1 + p2*Dx2;
% Costate equations
Dp1 = -diff(H,x1);
Dp2 = -diff(H,x2);
% solve for control u
du = diff(H,u);
sol_u = solve(du, 'u');
% Substitute u to state equations
Dx2 = subs(Dx2, u, sol_u);
% convert symbolic objects to strings for using 'dsolve'
eq1 = strcat('Dx1=',char(Dx1));
eq2 = strcat('Dx2=',char(Dx2));
eq3 = strcat('Dp1=',char(Dp1));
eq4 = strcat('Dp2=',char(Dp2));
sol_h = dsolve(eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4);
%%use boundary conditions to determine the coefficients
% case a: (a) x1(0)=x2(0)=0; x1(2) = 5; x2(2) = 2;
conA1 = 'x1(0) = 0';
conA2 = 'x2(0) = 0';
conA3 = 'x1(2) = 5';
conA4 = 'x2(2) = 2';
sol_a = dsolve(eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4,conA1,conA2,conA3,conA4);
% plot both solutions
ezplot(sol_a.x1,[0 3]); hold on;
ezplot(sol_a.x2,[0 3]);
ezplot(-sol_a.p2,[0 3]); % plot the control: u=-p2
axis([0 3 -1.6 7]);
title('Solutions comparison (case a)');
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 31 Mai 2016
Please give more details about the problems you are observing. Are you getting an error message? If not then what is the first output that does not match what you expect?
Tarekegn Dinku
Tarekegn Dinku am 20 Jan. 2024
I want to your intial guess to control u

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