I want to move the position of kx manually to the top for the attachment figure, How can I do it?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
my codes are:
pr1=100* record(:,5);
y = reshape(ky,5,length(ky)/5)';
x = reshape(kx,5,length(kx)/5)';
z = reshape(pr1,5,length(pr1)/5)';
surf(x,y,z);colormap(gray(255));grid on
az = 37;
el = 45;
view(az, el);
% axis('auto')
box on
ax = gca;
ax.BoxStyle = 'full';
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 11 Mai 2016
Do you mean that you want to rotate the plot? Or do you mean that x is labeled on one side of the plot and you want the label to appear on the other side of the plot instead?
Batool Engineer
Batool Engineer am 13 Mai 2016
Yes I mean the label kx to appear on the other side (little shift to the top as shown in the attachment by red color) , I cant do it by mouse pointer after running my code. so what is the changing that should be apply on the code to do it? or how can I move it without any changing on the code?? thanks..

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